The truth about laser hair removal

Laser hair removal results in the permanent removal of hair. Correct? Well yes, this statement is true, however, the practitioner must be honest with the client at consultation and make sure they are fully aware of the process and manage their expectations with regards to results.

In short, depending on the type of machine used and for argument’s sake, let’s use IPL and diode technology as the examples for this. Machine’s bought with the average budget – Mostly removal will take around 10-12 sessions for the client, spaced between 4-6 weeks in-line with the anagen phase of the hair growth cycle.
Towards the end of the treatment process, the practitioner should begin to leave more time in-between treatment, drawing this out to 8 weeks potentially between appointments.

The success of hair removal depends on the individual. Firstly, they MUST stick to their appointments – If they consistently miss or re-arrange appointment and therefore are not hitting the hair at the correct stage of growth, then treatment length (months) will be affected.

In addition, they must be made aware that they will need to maintain their removal- This could be once a year, once every 6 months or even once every 3 months. This is totally personal to the individual. Some clients will need more top-ups and some less. Some maybe none at all. But always be up-front-and-honest at consultation. This will result in educated and happy customer and not disappointment when a little tuft of hair grow back and they are left wondering why it hasn’t all gone.

The best way to view and educate on laser hair removal is that it is not permanent, but it can delay hair growth for years. The treatment uses heat to damage hair follicles, putting them in a dormant state. When hair does grow back, it’s usually lighter and thinner than before. However, it’s unlikely that treatments will target all hairs in their growth phase, so some hair may still grow back. To keep the area hair-free, patients may need maintenance treatments. The longevity of laser hair removal varies from person to person.

But what I can safely say, is that it is an incredible treatment. I have had reams of delighted customers leave my premises hair-free and informed to come back when they start to see small areas of growth so we can once again, nip it in the bud.

To offer the same service to your customers, why not come and train with me. Get in touch.