
  • How does hair removal work?

    How does hair removal work?

    The benefits of laser hair removal The 4 stages of hair growth Anagen phase This is the first stage of growth. Hair is actively growing longer in this phase. This phase last for 2-3 weeks and is the perfect time for targeting with laser hair removal. This growth phase happens every 4-6 weeks and therefore,…

  • What are the regulations and when do they come in to play?

    What are the regulations and when do they come in to play?

    At present, the laser industry is unregulated. Essentially, this means that there are no strict legal government guidelines for the practitioner to adhere to, except for an accredited course, which we do offer here at The Laser Skin Solutions Academy. However, at some point in the future, the date of which is still to be…

  • My story

    My story

    Let me give you a little overview of me, from the beginning. From a young age I actually wanted to be a PE teacher – All I cared about was sport – In fact, I lived and breathed it throughout my childhood and young adulthood. After university, I managed to wing myself a place on…

  • The truth about laser hair removal

    The truth about laser hair removal

    Laser hair removal results in the permanent removal of hair. Correct? Well yes, this statement is true, however, the practitioner must be honest with the client at consultation and make sure they are fully aware of the process and manage their expectations with regards to results. In short, depending on the type of machine used…

  • ABL Marketing Academy

    ABL Marketing Academy

    I studied marketing at the University of Wales, Cardiff (many moons ago). Following on from Uni, I then went on to have a successful career in marketing. Working in various different industries, I then began running my own marketing business when my son was born 10 years ago. After Covid struck, I fell out of…